Beobachter*in 1: “Es ish komish, wöu i gseh das geld und i chönntis use neh, aber i me nid die ganze schrube ufschrüüblä. I gloub nid dasi da lust druf ha.“
Beobachter*in 2: “Ja und d lüüt würde sicher ou starre, ds wär ou komish. I chönnt ds geld scho bruche, aber i möcht nid das anderi lüüt das wüsse.“
Observer 1: “It’s a weird thing. I see this money and I could take it, I would like to have it. Yet the thought of having to unscrew all these nuts… I don’t think that I’m bothered.”
Observer 2: “Yeah and people would be watching… It’s weird. I could use the money, but I don’t want people to know that.”
auawirleben, Bern, Switzerland – 08/05/2022