This is a multilingual magazine - you can contribute in any language you wish.

An online magazine produced by local reporters.

We unscientifically document Pig, an art production by Kaleider, as it travels around the world.

Pigzine reporter: “You’re the first person from Kelburn to open Pig. What are you going to do with the money?”

Young girl: “I’m going to buy lollipops for everyone.”

“For who?”

“Everyone at Kelburn.”

“How many lollipops is that?”

“100…. probably.”

One of the other girls: “No not lollipops.”

Dad: “We all have to agree before we can open it. It doesn’t work if you can’t get everyone to agree – we can come back later when you’ve agreed”

Kelburn Garden Party, Scotland – 05/07/2019

You can read about Open 47 here

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