This is a multilingual magazine - you can contribute in any language you wish.

An online magazine produced by local reporters.

We unscientifically document Pig, an art production by Kaleider, as it travels around the world.

“Jo el faria servir per alimentar els nens pobres o malalts, però no tots; només els de famílies que en tinguin pocs, perquè el que no pot ser és anar parint des dels 14 anas i nosaltres pagar-ho tot. També els faria servir per castrar alguns capellans amb unes tisores… cada dia hi ha més violacions per aquí.”

“I would use it to feed poor or sick children, but not all of them. Only those of families that have few children, because what is not okay is to start getting pregnant at 14 years old and we pay for everything. I would also use the money to castrate some priests with scissors … every day there are more violations around here.”

Firatàrrega, Catalonia – 07/09/2019

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