This is a multilingual magazine - you can contribute in any language you wish.

An online magazine produced by local reporters.

We unscientifically document Pig, an art production by Kaleider, as it travels around the world.

Pigzine: ” Has participat o participaràs al Pig?”

Observador/a: “No ho crec, no m’entusiasma la idea.”

Pigzine:” Prendries tu la inciativa de proposar una idea per a la qual destinar-ho?”

Observador/a: “No crec que els diners representin una ajuda real. Al final només és una cosa material i temporal.”

Pigzine: “Et consideres part d’una comunitat?”

Observador/a: “Formo part de manera inevitable de varies comunitats però no em sento representada per cap.”

Pigzine: ” Quin creus que és l’objectiu de Pig?”

Observador/a: ” Conèixer  les intencions de la gent.”

Pigzine: “Que creus que haurien de fer aquells que obrin el Pig amb els diners?”

Observador/a: “Crec que podria millorar problemàtiques amb molt poca repercussió social. Ja que aquelles que són més profundes no poden resoldres amb diners.”

Pigzine: ” Si tinguéssis un bon propòsit ho obriries?”

Observador/a: ” No, preferiria dedicar una ajuda més humana i amb més sentit.”

Pigzine: “Would you contribute to Pig?”

Watcher: “I don’t think so, I can’t see the point of it.”

Pigzine: “What do you think the money should be for?”

Watcher: “I don’t see this money as a real help. At the end of the day money is just material and temporary.”

Pigzine: ” Do you consider yourself a member of a community?”

Watcher: “I believe it’s inevitable to be part of many communities but I don’t feel represented in any of them.”

Pigzine: “What do you think Pig is about?”

Watcher: “To get to know people’s intentions.”

Pigzine: “What do you think those who open Pig should do with the money?”

Watcher: “Maybe money could kind of give short term solutions to some little problems. But absolutely not with heavy social conflicts. Society needs human help rather than economic help.”

Pigzine: “Well if you have a reason, would you open it?”

Watcher: “I would rather get involved with some organisations and give real support.”

Firatàrrega, Catalonia – 07/09/2019

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