Observador/a: “No ho crec, no m’entusiasma la idea.”
Pigzine:” Prendries tu la inciativa de proposar una idea per a la qual destinar-ho?”
Observador/a: “No crec que els diners representin una ajuda real. Al final només és una cosa material i temporal.”
Pigzine: “Et consideres part d’una comunitat?”
Observador/a: “Formo part de manera inevitable de varies comunitats però no em sento representada per cap.”
Pigzine: ” Quin creus que és l’objectiu de Pig?”
Observador/a: ” Conèixer les intencions de la gent.”
Pigzine: “Que creus que haurien de fer aquells que obrin el Pig amb els diners?”
Observador/a: “Crec que podria millorar problemàtiques amb molt poca repercussió social. Ja que aquelles que són més profundes no poden resoldres amb diners.”
Pigzine: ” Si tinguéssis un bon propòsit ho obriries?”
Observador/a: ” No, preferiria dedicar una ajuda més humana i amb més sentit.”
Pigzine: “Would you contribute to Pig?”
Watcher: “I don’t think so, I can’t see the point of it.”
Pigzine: “What do you think the money should be for?”
Watcher: “I don’t see this money as a real help. At the end of the day money is just material and temporary.”
Pigzine: ” Do you consider yourself a member of a community?”
Watcher: “I believe it’s inevitable to be part of many communities but I don’t feel represented in any of them.”
Pigzine: “What do you think Pig is about?”
Watcher: “To get to know people’s intentions.”
Pigzine: “What do you think those who open Pig should do with the money?”
Watcher: “Maybe money could kind of give short term solutions to some little problems. But absolutely not with heavy social conflicts. Society needs human help rather than economic help.”
Pigzine: “Well if you have a reason, would you open it?”
Watcher: “I would rather get involved with some organisations and give real support.”
Pigzine: “Que creieu que haurien de fer les persones que obrin el Pig amb els diners?”
Observador/a : “Crec que és un acte molt polèmic. Encara que tingués una idea en la que destinar-ho, no ho obriria ja que em faria por ser jutjada.”
Observador/a 2: “Crec que tothom pensa molt diferent. Cadascú defensa només la seva ideologia. No crec que es pugui arribar a un punt comú.”
Pigzine: “What do you think those who open Pig should do with the money?”
Watcher 1: “I believe it’s a really controversial act. Even if I came up with a proper idea I wouldn’t take the money, as I would feel scared of being judged.”
Watcher 2:” Everyone thinks really different. And as individuals we defend our own ideology. I guess I’ts quite impossible to agree.”
Pigzine: “Quin creus que és l’objectiu de pigzine?”
Observador/a: “Conscienciar–nos de diferents realitats socials. Que per exemple aquelles persones de Tàrrega que podrien tenir actualment dificultats per pagar-se el menjar, amb aquests diners podrien rebre una petita ajuda simbòlica. Poden sentir almenys que no estan sols.”
Pigzine: What do you think Pig is about?
Watcher: “Make people more conscious about diferents social situations. A good example could be a family who had economic problems and with Pig they could at least not feel unwelcome in the community.
L’home, des de la distància, li comenta a una noia: “Deixa-ho com ha d’estar. Esto lo ha hecho un creativo. de ser un creativo a ser un imbécil hay una linea muy fina. vámonos.”
Man, from the distance, tells a girl: “Leave it as it should be. This has been done by a creative. Being a creator and being an idiot is a very fine line. Let’s go.”