This is a multilingual magazine - you can contribute in any language you wish.

An online magazine produced by local reporters.

We unscientifically document Pig, an art production by Kaleider, as it travels around the world.

Beobachter*in 1: “Eh lueg jetzt, das isch jetzt das Söili. Vo dem hetmer öper verzäut.”

Beobachter*in 2: “Aber das isch ja nid rosa. Es müessti doch rosa si.”

Beobachter*in 1: “Aber de würdmi ja nid düregse.”

Beobachter*in 2: “-“

Beobachter*in 1: “Auso weisch, so weissmä haut wiviu dinne isch.”

Beobachter*in 2: “U für was isches?”

Beobachter*in 1: “Ds weiss ebe irgendwie niemer.”

Observer 1: “Ah look there, this has to be the pig. There was someone telling me about.”

Observer 2: “But it’s not pink. It must have been pink, I think.”

Observer 1: “But then you wouldn’t be able to see through.”

Observer 2: “-“

Observer 1: “It’s like this because we have to know how much is inside.”

Observer 2: “And what’s the money for?”

Observer 1: “Nobody knows, I think.”

auawirleben, Bern, Switzerland – 07/05/2022

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