Beobachter*in 1: “Eh lueg jetzt, das isch jetzt das Söili. Vo dem hetmer öper verzäut.”
Beobachter*in 2: “Aber das isch ja nid rosa. Es müessti doch rosa si.”
Beobachter*in 1: “Aber de würdmi ja nid düregse.”
Beobachter*in 2: “-“
Beobachter*in 1: “Auso weisch, so weissmä haut wiviu dinne isch.”
Beobachter*in 2: “U für was isches?”
Beobachter*in 1: “Ds weiss ebe irgendwie niemer.”
Observer 1: “Ah look there, this has to be the pig. There was someone telling me about.”
Observer 2: “But it’s not pink. It must have been pink, I think.”
Observer 1: “But then you wouldn’t be able to see through.”
Observer 2: “-“
Observer 1: “It’s like this because we have to know how much is inside.”
Observer 2: “And what’s the money for?”
Observer 1: “Nobody knows, I think.”
auawirleben, Bern, Switzerland – 07/05/2022