This is a multilingual magazine - you can contribute in any language you wish.

An online magazine produced by local reporters.

We unscientifically document Pig, an art production by Kaleider, as it travels around the world.

Pig Conversations

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A woman stops passers by to ask if they will open Pig with her and join her for a coffee. She persists for about half an hour. She is unsuccessful.

PLACCC, Budapest, Hungary – 2022

“We are a community. Me and my friends”

PLACCC, Budapest, Hungary – 2022

A member of the street community shouts “Why are you playing with us?”

PLACCC, Budapest, Hungary – 2022

A member of the public writes their list of suggestions of what to spend the money on and puts it inside Pig:

Forest Protection
Energy bills
A welding torch

PLACCC, Budapest, Hungary – 2022

Four teenagers reading the Pig sign together:

“It’s simple. If you have money you put it in. And if you don’t have money you take it out.”

PLACCC, Budapest, Hungary – 2022

Two middle aged women are overheard:

Person 1: ‘It won’t be long until the hobos find it and take the money, its not difficult to open.
Person 2: ‘I’d prefer the homeless to take it rather the state’.

PLACCC, Budapest, Hungary – 2022


“The word ‘community’ is ambiguous.

PLACCC, Budapest, Hungary – 2022

Two people about 50 meters away are reading the sign inside Pig.

Another person approaches them and says: ‘I need money for medicine. Even a little bit would help’.

They respond: ‘We don’t have cash sorry’.

The person walks away.

The two people continue to talk about it: ‘So we have to unscrew it and lift off the lid? That’ll take too long’.

They leave. The money stays inside.

PLACCC, Budapest, Hungary – 2022

Observer 1 [to Pig]: “If St. Gallen wins today, I’ll come give you 1,000 francs!”

Observer 2: “Please, let us win Pig-god!”

auawirleben, Bern, Switzerland – 15/05/2022

Ein älteres Paar.

Beobachter*in 1: “Was isch das?”

Beobachter*in 2: “Das isch eh – eh lueg jetzt isch das e grossi Sou?”

Sie halten an.

Beobachter*in 1: “Nei Berti, das isch doch es Schaf.”

Beobachter*in 2: “Nei lueg doch de Schwanz u d Ohre, dasch nid es Schaf.”

Beobachter*in 1: “Ds isch es Schaf, ganz klar.”

An elderly couple.

Observer 1: “What’s this?”

Observer 2: “That’s – oh look, is it a big pig?”

They stop.

Observer 1: “No Berti, that’s a sheep, isn’t it?”

Observer 2: “No look, the tail and the ears. That’s not a sheep.”

Observer 1: “It’s a sheep, that’s for sure.”

auawirleben, Bern, Switzerland – 13/05/2022

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