This is a multilingual magazine - you can contribute in any language you wish.

An online magazine produced by local reporters.

We unscientifically document Pig, an art production by Kaleider, as it travels around the world.

[Opening 65]

Beobachter*in 1: “Zum Nägeli machä und vilicht für -“

Beobachter*in 2: “Oh mein Gott Auti ig choufe mir die Ohrringe vo geschter.”

Beobachter*in 1: “Ja klar machs.”

Beobachter*in 2: “Chum mir müesse zähle.”

Beobachter*in 1: “Schwöre, ds isch dr Bewis. Mini Lehrer u aui gloube immer ig bi dumm. Aber ig bi eigentlich clever und echt, das isch eifach so dr Bewis […] Das isch mis Jahreshighlight.”

Observer 1: “For nails and maybe -“

Observer 2: “Oh my god girl I am going to buy the earrings from yesterday.”

Observer 1: “Oh yeah let’s do this.

Observer 2: “C’mon we have to count it all.”

Observer 1: “I swear this the evidence. My teachers and everyone always think I am stupid. But to be honest I am clever and for real, this is the proof […] I swear, this is the highlight of my year.”

auawirleben, Bern, Switzerland – 12/05/2022

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