This is a multilingual magazine - you can contribute in any language you wish.

An online magazine produced by local reporters.

We unscientifically document Pig, an art production by Kaleider, as it travels around the world.

Pigzine: “Que creieu que haurien de fer les persones que obrin el Pig amb els diners?”
Observador/a : “Crec que és un acte molt polèmic. Encara que tingués una idea en la que destinar-ho, no ho obriria ja que em faria por ser jutjada.”
Observador/a 2: “Crec que tothom pensa molt diferent. Cadascú defensa només la seva ideologia. No crec que es pugui arribar a un punt comú.”
Pigzine: “What do you think those who open Pig should do with the money?”
Watcher 1: “I believe it’s a really controversial act. Even if I came up with a proper idea I wouldn’t take the money, as I would feel scared of being judged.”
Watcher 2:” Everyone thinks really different. And as individuals we defend our own ideology. I guess I’ts quite impossible to agree.”

Firatàrrega, Catalonia – 07/09/2019

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